Our Services


Our full service clinic treats both upper and lower limb prosthetic wearers of all ages and activity levels. Randall Alley, our CEO and Chief Prosthetist, is well known in the industry as an educator and innovator and personally oversees the rehab strategy for every patient.


We offer consulting in prosthetics, orthotics, exoskeletons, robotics…essentially any industry where a connection is key to accepting or rejecting a worn device. We work with engineers, researchers, medical professionals and manufacturers to bring superior products to market.


We educate and train other prosthetists and allied health professionals in our innovative socket designs, including the HiFi Interface and X-Frame Systems. We bring the highest standard of clinical care and outcomes to our wearers and the industry.


We work with numerous attorneys and can provide patient evaluations, rehab strategies, assistance with life care plans, and expert testimony. We can also recommend attorneys.


Randall Alley has presented at educational seminars, case manager conferences, Prosthetic and Orthotic schools, national congresses, military hospitals, including presenting his DARPA work at the Hand Proprioception and Touch Interfaces (HAPTIX) efforts for Reestablishing the Neuromuscular Connection.

& Development

We are revolutionizing the human connection by developing unique products for rehab, military and consumer wearables. With decades of experience, we know how to connect devices to the body efficiently and effectively.

We're connectivity experts.

Pushing back on the status quo.